Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wow- Education in the Age of Disruptive Education

I just sat through this presentation at  ISTE Denver by the authors of www.committedsardine.com and...I am scared that we (as a society), are not preparing our K-12 kids for the world and jobs of tomorrow.  My head is spinning...

Some information and thoughts I gleaned from this presentation:

These are disruptive times for education (rate of digital change, access to information, etc.)
The continued existence of the current system is not assured
Even good organizations with good people will disappear if they don't understand the natural laws of disruptive education
Its very difficult for existing successful organizations to become dominant players in the new market.
This is sneaking up on most school organizations as well....adapt to the needs of students

"When the rate of change outside an organization is greater than the rate of change inside, the organization will fail..."

They believe that education has had three goals:
Acculturation for local norms, Appreciation of Culture, Preparation for Life Beyond School

The presenters propose that it is essential to teach the 21st century skills since they cannot be outsourced to other countries.

They showed that there are four types of workers:
Agricultural, Working, Service, Creative:
Similar to what the author Daniel Pink proposes, (Creative Right-Brainers will have an advantage). They need 21st century skills to stay flexible to learn to learn and adapt...
The availability of Service and Creative-related jobs will grow, the others jobs will shrink since they can be outsourced and mechanized...
See: Daniel H. Pink:  http://www.danpink.com/whole-new-mind :  A Whole New Mind

My initial thoughts on how to teach kids to succeed right after this presentation are:
The creative arts are just as important as tech literacy to promote right-brain creativity, Teach how to learn, Teach using Project-Based Learning and Inquiry-based methodology, STEM is important, 1:1 programs are the pen-paper of today, Partner schools with real industries, Get student mentor, Student centered projects, teach to benchmarks and standards, do not socially promote- promote based on mastery, care for kids as individuals to curb the drop-out rate and teach them how to be creative/inventive/innovative and be tech savvy...

How to increase Computational Thinking in K-12

I am sitting in an interesting workshop put on by CSTA about how to increase computational thinking in K-12 in all subjects. Here is a link to the curriculum guide they have for doing this: http://www.csta.acm.org/Curriculum/sub/ACMK12CSModel.html

From personal experience,  I feel that students need to get hooked early on to get into logical thinking through games such as Scratch, Alice, Greenfoot, etc. This helps in Math, Science, and STEM education. I think integrating these concepts into creative classes such as Music, the Arts is imperative to create right-brain thinkers that have an understanding of how to make their ideas work. Hey- we need creative problem solvers to help solve the worlds issues....

Monday, June 28, 2010

ISTE 2010

I am here at ISTE 2010 in Denver having a a very educational time! I have been to three sessions (Mobile Devices in the Classroom, Web 2.0 tools, 20 lessons about 1:1), and seen some great exhibits! It is a bit overwhelming with all the people, exhibits, and workshops.  But, it is definitely a place to get inspired and learn.